jeudi, novembre 01, 2007

Depuis quelques semaines, je me suis mis aux problèmes du projet Euler, site regroupant 165 (pour le moment) problèmes associant mathématiques et informatique, le but étant de résoudre un problème généralement algorithmique de la manière la plus efficace possible. J'ai résolu les problèmes 1 à 10, et je pense avoir enfin trouvé la méthode pour le problème 12. Pour l'instant, au vu des solutions proposées par les autres participants, je serais plutôt dans la catégorie "semi-bourrin".

Since a few weeks I have started on the problems from project Euler, website regrouping about 165 problems (so far) associating maths and computing, the goal being to resolve an algorithmic problem as efficiently as possible. For the moment, I have solved problems 1 to 10, and I believe that I have the right method for problem 12. In regard to solutions proposed by others, I would be in the "half-brute" category.

14 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Interseting, I may try some of them.

Anonyme a dit…

I've done 8 of them, quite fun... some of them don't veen eally require coding if you look carefully.

M87 a dit…

Pen and paper is sometimes enough :) What language do you use?

Anonyme a dit…

Python of course :) Although it seems slower than what people report with their C code that does exactly the same thing. So I may change later if it's an issue, or use the numeric package.

He he, I just overtook you (1 to 14).
Now back to work !

Anonyme a dit…

24 done now...

I start to wonder if it was such a good idea to start that. It's badly addictive, and my productivity is going down quite a lot!

M87 a dit…

It is terribly addicting :) It's also getting quite tough, now!

Anonyme a dit…

yeah, number 23, I'm sure of my answer, but I got rejected???

M87 a dit…

Have you already done 1 to 22??? I have to admit that I skipped a few I found boring :)

Anonyme a dit…

I've done 1..31 and {36,48,67}. It's getting harder now... Brute force is less and less usable :)

M87 a dit…

Yeah, I finally found you in the user list! I'll try to catch up :)

Anonyme a dit…

Oh la la... You've set the turbo! And I'm getting slower...

Anonyme a dit…

Just entered the top 1000...

Anonyme a dit…

I've just added "" in /etc/hosts

I couldn't stop doing this problems...

M87 a dit…

Yes, looks like you are hooked :) It should be like alcool: no more than a couple per week!